Exciting News Ox Wallet Arrives on iOS Soon



Calling all iPhone users! We’re thrilled to announce that the development process for the Ox Wallet app on iOS devices has officially begun!


The Future of DeFi in Your Pocket


Imagine the ease of managing your Oxch tokens and exploring the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) – all from your iPhone. That’s the future we’re building with the Ox Wallet app.


Stay Tuned for Updates


We’re diligently working behind the scenes to bring the Ox Wallet to iOS. While we don’t have a confirmed release date yet, we’ll keep you updated on our progress.


In the meantime:


* Visit Ox-mining.com to learn more about the Oxch token and our DeFi mining platform.

* Join the Oxch community and connect with fellow DeFi enthusiasts.

* Stay tuned for exciting announcements about the Ox Wallet app launch on iOS!


We’re committed to making DeFi accessible and user-friendly for everyone. The Ox Wallet app on iOS is just the beginning


#Oxch #DeFi #OxWallet #

iOS #ComingSoon

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